vegetative imbalances, vegetative dystonia, stress syndrome, psycho-physical exhaustion, psychosomatic complaints

Wikipedia describes these symptoms as follows:

"Nervousness, restlessness, irritability, insomnia, dizziness, menopausal symptoms, shortness of breath, shallow breathing, headaches, muscle cramps (cramps in the calves, cramps in the toes, muscle tremors, muscle twitching), heart complaints (irregular stroke, Heart stumbling, heart chasing, heart pain, anxiety in the chest), cramps in the blood vessels (cold hands), cramps in the stomach, stomach cramps, in the intestines and in the bladder, constipation, liver biliary complaints (severe flatulence), loss of sexual desire.

Often there is a diffuse merging of physical complaints and purely mental symptoms such as anxiety, restlessness, unwillingness. Many also suffer from several disorders or complaints."

How can vegetative imbalances develop?

The superior control centre of the vegetative nervous system has two nerves which control and regulate all organs, cells and regulatory systems in the human body. If this regulatory system is disturbed, the two partners, the sympathetic nervous system and the parasympathetic nervous system, do not work together harmoniously. There is a disharmony between tension and relaxation. Read more about it here!


With the AIRVI IQ therapy device, you will experience in a very short time (yet remain realistic with your expectations!) that your stress level decreases and that more peace and serenity prevails in your body.

The vegetative nervous system can then control all subordinate organs, systems and cells better as a superior control and regulation centre. Under relaxation faster and better decisions can be made, which strengthens the positive course. This is the basis for further positive changes and for finding solutions to various problems and conflicts. It is not for nothing that we can learn most effectively in the Alpha state and solve problems/conflicts.

Use the potential with AIRVI IQ and at the same time experience the laws of communication in terms of cause and effect.

What other solutions or therapies are there for vegetative imbalances?

  1. The study of one's own stress-inducing factors, one's own biorhythm and the creation of a better balance between tension and relaxation. Above all, you should do relaxation exercises, breathing exercises, meditation, etc. during the day.
  2. The intensive occupation, how our mind/Fred works. Understanding and applying these laws with the aim that I feel better and experience much less stress in my private and professional life. You can read more about "FRED" here!
  3. Medicines, whether naturopathic or classical, whereby the thought processes as a cause of stress should not change here.


Die übergeordnete Steuerzentrale, das vegetatives Nervensystem, hat zwei Nerven die jegliche Organe, Zellen und Regelsysteme steuern und regulieren, (lesen Sie hier mehr dazu!)

  1. den Sympathikus - dieser Nerv aktiviert bei einer Kampf- und Fluchtreaktionen im Körper alle dafür notwendigen Regelsysteme um das Überleben zu sichern (Stressreaktion) ohne das wir aktiv darüber nachdenken müssen = unbewusst
  2. den Parasympathikus auch Vagus genannt - der Entspannungsnerv - sorgt für Energieaufbau, Nahrungsaufnahme, Nahrungsausscheidung, Reparaturprozesse und Regeneration. Dies nach und zwischen den Anspannungsphasen, ebenfalls ohne das wir das aktiv steuern müssen = unbewusst.

In nature we normally have a constant alternation of tension and relaxation (sympathetic and parasympathetic) balance. This means, for example, in primeval times after fighting and flight, hours of rest and regeneration follow - this would be bio-logical!

The reality of people today with vegetative imbalance is different. There is a great imbalance between tension (stress) and relaxation. The analysis of a day makes clear that if the day begins in the morning e.g. 7 o'clock and ends only 24 o'clock without sufficient breaks in between. How many hours of these 17 hours are rest periods? If at all only 1-2 or? Thus we have approx. 15 hours of activity, stress and permanent stress and only a maximum of 2 hours of rest until we go to bed to recover another 7 hours at night.

That would be nice if there would be actually 7 hours rest and recovery in the night sleep phase. Unfortunately then our mind (Fred) comes very often and wants to bother us with past problems or future tasks and challenges and involve us in thought processes. This "annoys" most people and tries in this situation different techniques and strategies such as counting sheep, counting backwards ... to calm Fred, our mind, or to switch off. Very early in the morning, Fred begins to try again to work on the upcoming tasks, problems and conflicts, so that the restful night's rest is usually over earlier than desired.

Over a longer period of time, the unbiological imbalance between tension and relaxation must lead to physical and usually also psychological symptoms - this is only a matter of time.

Who is responsible for the unfavourable daily relationship and who is to blame? Since Fred likes to look for a culprit in case of failure, our mind becomes very creative and supplies the culprits. These are, for example, the employer, the government, the partner, the children, the environment. Only one thing is for sure, Fred, our mind, is not to blame! Who is responsible for his thinking? I am responsible for my thinking and my thoughts alone nobody Our thinking and our intentions / goals are the cause for our behavior (behavior = visible and audible effect of my thinking).