macular degeneration - AMD, age-related macular degeneration, wet macular degeneration or dry macular degeneration called

Our AIRVI OET and AIRVI IQ therapy devices provide lasting help here.

How eyes can see better despite AMD - macular degeneration - without expensive injections and without side effects.

The AIRVI therapy is especially successful for macular degeneration - AMD. The oxygen is processed in the AIRVI therapy devices according to the natural model of photosynthesis. If the natural air of the AIRVI therapy devices is regularly inhaled through light breathing glasses, the eye is able to improve its metabolism. This natural oxygen energy therapy

  • helps the eye to reactivate its self-healing powers,
  • harmful oxygen radicals is counteracted,
  • Symptoms such as shadows can be reduced by regular AIRVI breathing,
  • the progression of macular degeneration is stopped and in most cases even regressed.

Users of AIRVI oxygen energy therapy repeatedly report an increased quality of life and greater well-being - without surgical intervention or injections.

Backgrounds of macular degeneration

Es gibt kein Organ in unserem Körper, in dem pro Zelle so viel Energie verbraucht wird wie im Auge. Wo viel Energie benötigt wird, ist selbstverständlich auch der Bedarf an Sauerstoff besonders hoch. Denn Sauerstoff ist nun einmal die Hauptenergiequelle für jede menschliche Zelle und besonders für die spezialisierten Zellen des Auges, beispielsweise die Zellen der Netzhaut (Retina) und der Makula (das ist der Punkt des schärfsten Sehens im Auge).

There is no organ in our body that consumes as much energy per cell as the eye. Where a lot of energy is needed, the need for oxygen is of course particularly high. Because oxygen is the main source of energy for every human cell and especially for the specialized cells of the eye, for example the cells of the retina and the macula (this is the point of sharpest vision in the eye).

If a person's eyesight deteriorates due to age, there are two main causes at the cellular level:

  1. The cells of the eye cannot produce as much energy with increasing age as they do at a young age. However, due to a lack of energy, damage to the eye can no longer be completely repaired. The protective systems in the eye, which act like "inner sunglasses", are no longer formed in the required quantity.
  2. With increasing age and heavy strain on the eye, more aggressive oxygen compounds are formed - so-called free radicals. These mainly attack and damage the sensitive small blood vessels in the eye as well as the cells of the macula and retina.

All of this ultimately leads to a situation in which vision, especially in the area of the sharpest vision (macula), becomes worse and worse and finally is completely lost. One speaks here of the diagnosis "age-related macular degeneration".

How can AIRVI therapy devices help?

According to orthodox medicine, macular degeneration cannot be cured. Once the cells of the macula are damaged, it is generally believed that no power in the world can bring them back to life.

But that is not right! Experiences with the AIRVI technology show that a regeneration of damaged macular cells is possible. Many users report that after a few days to months of daily use, vision increases again and, for example, grey haze disappears. There are users whose vision has increased from 10% to over 60% in the course of a few months. These cases are not uncommon. They have been confirmed by ophthalmologists.

How is this possible? 

On the one hand, AIRVI ensures that more energy can be produced again in the cells of the eye. On the other hand, AIRVI supports the cells in building up their own protective enzymes with the help of which they can neutralize and detoxify destructive free radicals.

All this makes repair and regeneration processes possible - even at an age of over 85 years, as user reports confirm. A healthy lifestyle, sensible dietary supplements, herbal active ingredients, sufficient high-quality drinking water (according to chemical, physical and biological criteria!) and exercise additionally support this process.

The period of time before subjective and objective improvements occur varies greatly from person to person. It ranges from a few weeks to several months. The primary goal is to stop macular degeneration and maintain a status quo. After further weeks to months of daily use, an improvement in vision usually occurs.

Much earlier - usually already after a few days - customers and patients diagnosed with macular degeneration observe other pleasant "side effects" of the treatment, namely an improvement in physical and mental vitality, better sleep behaviour, less stress symptoms and a generally better physical and mental well-being.

Application of AIRVI oxygen energy therapy:

The AIRVI therapy can be combined alone or with any conventional or naturopathic therapy. The treatment is carried out via nasal cannula.

The application time in the home application is 1-3 x daily 20 minutes.